Friday, July 19, 2013

Gluten free=lose weight?

"Natasha!  I have been gluten free for 2 weeks...cravings are gone!  I've lost 2.5 lbs!  You were SO right!"  This from a dear friend who, for a couple of years, has had immense cravings for chocolate cake in dealing with personal hardships.  I told her to start with casein/gluten free, and do one at a time, so she chose gluten and she is already seeing results!  I feel so rewarded by her success in just 2 weeks! 

I am a firm believer that if you have cravings, it is a food sensitivity and elimination dieting can help you figure out the culprit.  It worked for me because I too cut cravings and ousted hypoglycemia by eliminating gluten/wheat from my diet.  I can always thank my son for his strict dietary needs that lead me down this path.  When he was an infant, I cringed at even thinking he may be lactose intolerant.  Boy was I in for a rude awakening!  He wasn't just lactose intolerant...he had a milk allergy!!  I have since found out he has additional food sensitivities which caused most of his behavioral issues. It was a blessing in disguise!  If he had not been born, I would never have figured this out.  I would have continued mocking these theories, so I am thankful! 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Food" for thought...

After attending a Health Fair last weekend, it made me realize something...a lot of the patrons did not exercise prevention in their younger years and are now looking to reverse inflammation. Detoxing your body of foods you are used to eating can be like withdrawing from a drug.

Most age related disease manifests itself out of inflammation which starts with food.  If you do not know the foods which cause it, then you are hurting yourself.  If you practice an 'everything in moderation' mantra, then you are helping yourself in the long run. 

Yes, it is possible to reverse some damage to improve quality of life, but most successes are psychologically charged.  It is harder to 'teach an old dog new tricks.'  This is why I teach my kids to eat alternatively.  I hope to keep them from craving these foods as they mature.  They will eat it with friends when I can't control their intake in later years, but I believe I'm arming them with knowledge and habits for life.  Ultimately, I hope they will return to their foundation, and while their bodies are developing, I hope to build strong minds and bodies.